Sunday 2 May 2010

Getting Creative

Hi! welcome to Bubble Box Blog, my blog. I'm new to this so please bare with me. My name is Yasmin and I have a big passion for art, I think of art as a way of expressing my feelings without saying a word.
I'm into sewing and messing around with craft and finding new things to share with family and friends. Unlike some people, I have a lot of patience. I could sit at a table for hours just drawing or painting without getting bored, but one thing I hate is making a mistake that I can't get rid of. It annoys me so much!
My Aunt is my inspiration and I love to talk to her and get some fantastic ideas off of her. With all of mine and her craft things put together I'm pretty sure we'd have enough to open a shop! So please come and get creative, there's nothing better than looking back at a masterpiece and knowing you made it. :)

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